June 24, 2018

When Ramakrishna Became Kalpataru

January 1, 1886, was "an event of unusual consequence and meaning" in the life of Sri Ramakrishna and his followers. Ramakrishna was suffering from throat cancer at that time, and his health was declining. It was a relatively good day for him, and he took a walk in the garden. And something strange happened. He entered as estatic trance like state, which was not uncommon, but, and this is rare, allowed the people around to touch him. Most Yogis when they reach a particularly advanced state of consciousness would not allow random people to touch their body. This serves a…
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June 6, 2018

Spiritual Guidelines for the Internet Era

Since we keep getting many private messages with spiritual queries regarding mantras, diksa ETC, here is a guideline compiled by our team keeping in mind that most of the questions come from people using social media and India to search for Sadgurus to guide them. 1. Do no search for any Gurus over the net. In time you will realize it is futile, or worse you will be led into deeper pit. Powerful sadgurus do not come here, those who may know stuff and are willing to guide, prefer one to one interaction in real life more than pesky questions…
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May 21, 2018

Power of Eclipse

While eclipses are considered to be dangerous times wherein most temples are kept closed and various kinds of sutaka are followed, it is also an ideal time for sadhana and attaining siddhi. The sandhya bhasa of Tantric texts - twilight language - refer to fantastic number of japas to be performed for a mantra or ritual of a deityi in order to energize it. To the laity this may seem impossible or absurd but to those initiated into the path, these are often taken as subtle pointers indicating that the specific ritual or sadhana must be done during an eclipse.…
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May 21, 2018

Yogis who don’t Succeed in One Lifetime

What happens to a Yogi who does not attain to the highest condition in one birth? We have the words of Sri Krshna in the Gita resolving this query from Arjuna. * * * अर्जुन उवाच: अयतिः श्रद्धयोपेतो योगाच्चलितमानसः । अप्राप्य योगसंसिद्धिं कां गतिं कृष्ण गच्छति ॥ Arjuna said: He who takes up Yoga with faith, but cannot control himself with the mind wandering away from Yoga, failing to attain perfection in Yoga, what is his end, O Krishna? कच्चिन्नोभयविभ्रष्टश्छिन्नाभ्रमिव नश्यति । अप्रतिष्ठो महाबाहो विमूढो ब्रह्मणः पथि ॥ Does he not, O mighty-armed, lose both this life (of human activity…
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